
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy is an online service provider as defined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. We offer legal copyright owners the ability to self-publish on the Internet by uploading, storage and displaying various media using our services. We do not monitor, review or analyze the files uploaded by service users on our server. We take copyright violations very seriously and will strictly protect the rights of legal copyright owners. If you are the copyright masters of the ingredients that appear on the website and you have allegedly authorized the use of the content to inform the to identify and take action to identify and take action not done.

I. specified agent
There is an agent nominated to receive notification of alleged violations under DMCA:

Email: [email protected]

When received proper notification of claimed violations, the site will follow the procedures mentioned here and in DMCA.

Ii. Complaint notice process for copyright owners

The following elements should be included in your claim of your copyright violation:

1. The owner of copyright or an electronic or physical signature of a person is an authorized person who has been allegedly violated by the owner of a particular right.

2. Identification of copyright work has been claimed.

3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be the subject of violation or violation and which is to be removed or is to access the disabled, and enough to allow the site to detect the material There is enough information.

4. Adequate adequate information to allow the site to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an electronic mail address on which the complaint was contacted May go.

5. A statement that the complaint of the complaint is a good belief that the manner in which the complaint made is not authorized by the owner of the copyright, its agent or law.

6. A statement that the information in the notice is accurate, and under the penalty penalty, that the party complaining is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of a particular right that has been allegedly violated.

Failure to include all the above information can result in a delay in processing or DMCA notification.

Iii. Notice and move down

Process: It is expected that all users from any part of the site system will follow the applicable copyright laws. However, if the site receives proper notification of the claimed copyright violations, it will react rapidly, or disable access, the material that is claimed to violate or to violate such activity The subject is, provided all the claims have been examined and determined. Be valid by the site in the sole and full discretion of the site. The site will follow the appropriate provisions of DMCA in the event of receiving a counter notification.

Iv. Repeat violations

Under appropriate circumstances, the site, in its discretion, can eliminate the authority of users of its system or network who are repeating violations.

V. V. Housing of Standard Technical Measures

This standard is the site policy to adjust and not to adjust technical measures that determine that it is appropriate in circumstances, ie, technical measures that are used to identify or protect the work copyright by copyright owners.